Thursday 24 January 2013

How to choose safe body products!

Yesterday I talked to a lovely lady who's kids had a reaction to some supermarket bubble bath. It took her a few weeks to identify the product as the culprit to inflamed skin but once she had she threw what was left in the bin and hasn't looked back. She had deemed the brand no good and had stopped buying anything else in their range.

I was pretty happy with that. Not many people manage to pinpoint body products as the culprits to physical problems so she'd done well! BUT then I asked what she had as a replacement. "Oh, I just bought one from the chemist. I know things from the chemist are safe."


If this is you, alarm bells should be sounding! Don't be deceived by WHERE you buy your products! There is nothing  to say buying from a chemist will mean higher quality or safer products than the supermarket.

Here's a quick checklist to keep in your head when you're buying body products that will almost guarantee what you're buying doesn't contain anything nasty:

Read the ingredients list and AVOID products that:
  • Have more than 10 ingredients
Once you hit more than 10, you can guarantee there are ingredients which have been extracted and basardised beyond recognition from the original ingredient.

  • Have any words you can't pronounce
 If you can't pronounce it, it ain't natural and you don't need it!

  • Contain names ending in 'ate', 'ide', 'yl', 'eth', or a number
 These are guaranteed to be chemical compounds and most of them used in body products cause skin irritations at the very least!

  • Contain a metal (e.g. aluminium in deodorant)
Metals are not safe to put on your skin! They are drawn into your blood stream and cause a multitude of problems, including some cancers.

  • list colours as an ingredient. 
If it was naturally coloured the ingredient would be listed, not the word "colours". Colours are artifiial and unneccessary for you or our planet.

I hope this helps you select products that are better for you, your kids and our planet!

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