Saturday 13 October 2012

Bum cream miracle!

It's been a few weeks since my last update and I've been itching to report this fabulous product!

Bub number two is now 17 weeks old (where does the time go?!) and she has very long hair for a baby. When she was a newborn that's all I ever heard, "oh look at all that hair!" We even had a midwife in the hospital tell us she had the most hair she'd ever seen on a baby, now that's something!

When she was born her skin was perfect but over the first month she developed eczema on her body and thick yukky cradle cap all over her scalp and behind her ears. I had always thought that cradle cap developed when you didn't wash bub's hair properly but I can now assure you IT IS NOT!

Up until a week ago I had kept it relatively under control by rubbing olive oil and baby massage oil into her skin, giving her a baby acidophilus and taking lots of essential fatty acids myself (she is exclusively breast fed).
I still wasn't happy though. Last week while she was having tummy time I noticed behind her ears were very dry, flaky and almost cracked. I was worried about her cracking the skin just in the course of doing baby things so I smoothed over some of the bum cream I've been using on her. Literally within an hour, behind her ear looked and felt completely normal and every sign of the rash was gone!!! The next day I applied it again and it hasn't come back at all! I can't be any more impressed with the stuff!

Since that success I've started putting it around her neck. The poor little love had a very stressful and traumatic birth which has made her very tense. Up until we saw a chiropractor two weeks ago her head was always glued to one side and she couldn't turn it to look around--instead she would move her whole body. As a result of that, despite our best efforts, the baby folds on her neck were red, inflamed and smelly, simply because it wasn't getting enough air to it. Alas, with the bum cream-magic! The redness is gone now and it's no longer smelly or inflamed.

Just tonight I decided to smear the ointment all along her hairline, across her forehead, which is the only place with yellow flakiness left. I put it on her after her bath and by the time I put her in bed, although her skin looked a little greasy, there was no yellow flaky skin AT ALL. Can't believe it. I wish I'd have done it weeks ago instead of thinking it was a coincidence. I'm a sceptic and I need to SEE things to believe them and this has worked!

I originally bought this cream because it was organic and I'm trying my very hardest to be a hippie and keep chemicals away from my kids. I also bought it as it can be used with modern cloth nappies and we don't use disposables (another hippie initiative of mine).

Anyway, that's all I wanted to report. I'm not making any medical claims and if you're worried about anything on your precious little one take them to the doctor to get them checked before you ask Dr Google. If you want to treat the same kind of skin problems we experienced though--try the organic bum cream!
Nature's Child Bottom Balm. Available from

1 comment:

  1. good work there. I believe its the oils in the cream that worked.
