Tuesday 14 February 2012

Welcome to my blog, green4me!

I've started this blog for the same reason I've started many things in my life: I want to make a difference. Before you run for cover, please take the time to hear me out (at least on this first post).

Back in 2007 when I was a broke student, feeling down and poverty stricken, I bought a book called Living the Good Life and it truly changed my life. At the time I thought being "green" meant saving green (and when your rent accounts for 70% of your income that's not a bad thing!) so I thought it would be a bit of a manual on being frugal with your money, but I was wrong. Being green means so much more than saving money and my life was about to change as a result of this book opening my eyes to it.

As I thumbed through the book on how one family managed to live mostly self-sufficiently for six months on a regular suburban house block without buying any more than absolute essentials, I realised this book was a bit of a crystal ball. I was keen on this hippie getup and, geez, this woman made it sound easy! I want to give it a real go.

At the time I read the book I was single and renting so my options for living sustainably and self-sufficiently were quite limited and limiting. Now, however, my family and I are about to move into our second owned home so we're taking our green ideals with us to start afresh and give this green business a good go!

I have no doubt it's going to be an adventure just as it was with the place we're leaving. (The move in itself will be an adventure--we have dogs, chooks, a 1000L fishfarm and enough toys to fill a warehouse!) 

We're a family of three and a half and are about as far away from farmers as you can get, but having a crack never hurt anyone!

Let the games begin!


  1. Thanks for your update! Can you tell me who wrote the book that inspired your change?
    I would love you to share some ideas on 'green living apartment style' I am in a small city apartment and the whole green concept is a little lost on me. I do shop at the farmers market, so I guess that's a start!

    1. Hi Greg,
      Thanks for your comment. The book I refer to is called Living the Good Life and it was written by Linda Cockburn. It's written in a diary format and goes through the family's day-to-day obstacles when it comes to living sufficiently. Linda also has a blog which is a great read too. You can find it at: http://lintrezza.blogspot.com.au/

      As far as the appartment living goes--there is still lots you can do! Shopping for locally grown in season fruit and veg is a great start! Also consider looking into what's called "vertical gardening". It's the latest craze in city gardening. Admittedly, it's not the same as standing in the backyard and digging in the ground but it's still a healthy and eco friendly alternative.
